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Standing with Fred: Calling for a Reversal From CUPE National

CUPE 3903’s Executive Committee calls on the CUPE National Executive Board to reverse its call for CUPE Ontario President Fred Hahn’s resignation. CUPE National’s response contributes to the ongoing widespread repression of Palestinian solidarity.

As a labour union, it is our duty to be in solidarity not only with those in our own workplaces and communities experiencing oppression, but also those worldwide who are experiencing oppression. As workers, we know our struggles are intertwined. This is why CUPE 3903 must loudly resist the violent societal structures that not only restrict workers’ freedoms, but also the freedom of all peoples—especially, in this moment, those in Palestine. Over 50,000 Palestinian people have been killed by the Israeli government since October of 2023. We cannot lose sight of this horrific reality.

Fred Hahn was elected democratically to the National Executive Board at the National Convention in October 2023. Not even three months ago, CUPE 3903 members attended the CUPE Ontario Convention, where Fred was re-elected CUPE Ontario President by the majority of members. In this call for his resignation, the National Executive Board is acting without meaningful consultation and input from the rank-and-file members who elected him, eroding the fundamental democratic processes at the heart of our unions.

Let us be clear that we do not endorse Fred Hahn’s specific social media post in question. We appreciate that Fred has issued a statement to apologize for sharing the video and to acknowledge the nuances of antisemitism.

We must also see that the context for the call for his resignation was motivated by Zionists wanting to silence one of the strongest labour movement voices for Palestine, who has been vocally against the white supremacy that also harms those who are Jewish. Perhaps more importantly, when an elected representative takes open responsibility for a misstep and apologizes, attempting to force them out undermines the workplace culture of care that labour unions fight for.

Prioritizing Jewish members’ wellbeing is crucial. Denouncing Zionist attacks on Palestinian lives and Palestinian solidarity is fully compatible with that. Criticizing the violent and illegal actions of a state is not hateful. In taking this position, we are mindful of the significant grassroots activism by Jewish communities in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their struggle.

CUPE National’s Executive Board should be concerned when their decisions are being immediately applauded by conservative actors like Doug Ford, whose ignorant, racist, and anti-worker patterns have been widely reported on.

In the current climate, we all need to be a strong voice against the Israeli state and their genocidal actions. This is evident here at York University and more broadly. Our previous statements provide more context to the way that student and worker activists in solidarity with the Palestinian people have faced serious threats, including the York admin’s shameful destruction of the People’s Commons for Palestine earlier this summer. 

For all these reasons, we call on the CUPE National Executive Board to reverse its call for Fred Hahn’s resignation. The National Executive Board’s actions contribute to the climate of repression that damages all workers’ attempts at resisting harmful conditions, inside and outside of their places of employment, locally and transnationally.

Stand with Fred:

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