On May 31 the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team and staff met.
The meeting was spent reviewing the Notice to Bargain, as well as the numerous information requests we’re making of the employer. A Notice to Bargain marks the union’s official indication to the employer that bargaining has begun, and that collective agreement negotiations must soon happen. As part of the Notice to Bargain the union can request that the employer turn-over relevant information. That information, combined with the results of our bargaining surveys, will inform the proposals that we craft over the coming months.
The Notice to Bargain has since been sent to the employer. More information can be seen here.
Bargaining Surveys are Now Live!
With the bargaining surveys now launched, the Bargaining Team developed a process for monitoring and collecting results.
Members can access the surveys and share them with fellow members using these links:
Unit 1 – Full-time Graduate students who work as Teaching Assistants, Marker/Graders, Lab Assistants, Tutors, and more
Unit 2 – Contract faculty who are not full-time graduate students.
Unit 3 – Full-time graduate students with a graduate assistantship or a research assistantship.
Our next meetings are:
June 8 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87108206002?pwd=RGZGcHZPOXBRSWVCM0dLTXAxWHl5Zz09
June 13 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82245818523?pwd=VFl6RlFEM3JZdy90b21DYndOWTlHdz09
June 15 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82884000362?pwd=dDFsVzFBZTFweEJTSXFYSGpzdG1UZz09
June 20 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81554735598?pwd=amtTa1V2RHNzaC9oWHdKUUQrNEJtdz09
These meetings are open, and all members are both welcome and encouraged to attend. Dates and exact times of all meetings can be found in our calendar here.
Members can also get in touch with the Bargaining Team for questions and comments through the BT email: 3903bargaining@gmail.com