Proudly representing GA's, TA's, Contract Faculty & part-time Librarians and Archivists at York University

Canadian Union of Public Employees/Syndiat Canadien de la fonction publique local/section locale 3903


Eligible employees who are not members of a full-time pension plan and who are not eligible to be members of a full-time pension plan at York or elsewhere participate in the York University Pension Plan. To be eligible, Unit 1 members must have earnings at least equal to the CD rate in each of two consecutive years. All Unit 2 members who have taught at least one full CD in each of two consecutive years are eligible. Unit 4 members must meet the eligibility criteria set out in the Plan for part-time employees (less than 24 hours per week).

Eligible members must opt-in to the Pension Plan. York must notify all eligible members, who are not already enrolled, of their ability to enrol in the pension plan by October 31st each year. This notice of eligibility will include the formula in the Pension Plan for employee and employer contributions to the Plan along with a generic example illustrating employee and employer contributions based on a particular number of course directorships as well as the estimated minimum guarantee of the pension entitlement that they would earn by the end of their contract if they chose to enrol.

You can more details on the Pension Documents page of York’s Pension & Benefits website.

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