Proudly representing GA's, TA's, Contract Faculty & part-time Librarians and Archivists at York University

Canadian Union of Public Employees/Syndiat Canadien de la fonction publique local/section locale 3903

New Members

Welcome to CUPE 3903


We’re here to support you; if you have any concerns or questions please contact your departmental steward, an executive officer or staff member.


If you were at a departmental orientation and wanted to view the shared CUPE 3903 information again, or you couldn’t attend and are wondering what you missed, we’ve put together a list of links for you:

GA or Not?

If York has misclassified you as an RA then you are not considered an employee of the university and are not a CUPE 3903 member. That means you won’t have access to the benefits, funds and protections you would get as a union member.

Find more information on our website.


Our Collective Agreements are our legal employment contracts with York. The most recent Units 1, 2 and 3 Collective Agreements expired on August 31st, 2020. That means we must negotiate new agreements with York.

You can find more information on our Bargaining 2020 page, and you’ll be receiving regular updates and be able to participate in the process as it progresses.

Sign up for our Newsletter and consider subscribing to our Event Calendar so you don’t miss any important information or events.

Members pose in front of Vari Hall
CUPE 3903 members pose in front of Vari Hall, just before the bargaining meeting with the employer on September 26, 2014.
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