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Canadian Union of Public Employees/Syndiat Canadien de la fonction publique local/section locale 3903

3903News – Listserv


A simple way to keep in the know of what’s happening in the Union, campus community, and elsewhere. This is a one-way broadcast from the Union’s Communications Officer to the membership highlighting News, Events, Deadlines, and other items of interest on a weekly basis (it averages less than two emails per week). We encourage all members to subscribe to 3903News.

We encourage you to forward any events or notices (departmental or extracurricular) you would like to promote, so that we may contribute to building a sense of community on campus. Simply email the Communications Officer ( with your event. Please note that 3903News is usually sent out early Monday morning; contributions must be in by Friday at 6pm, but the more notice you can give the better.

If you would like to discuss any news with your fellow members you’re encouraged to sign-up for the CUPE 3903 Forums

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