On March 7th, the Unit 5 Bargaining Team met with the Employer for the second time, with their previous session having taken place on February 21st. Unfortunately, the Employer cancelled the originally scheduled March 6th date. As such, there was only one day of bargaining last week.
This session focused on the Union side presenting proposals from our full proposal package. We covered proposals about who is in the bargaining unit, responses to potential restructuring, procedures for harassment and discrimination, workplace accommodations, employment equity, resolving disagreements about or violations of the collective agreement, and discipline.
At the next bargaining session on March 18th, we will hopefully present all the remaining proposals. Keep checking the website and newsletter for more updates as U5 bargaining continues!
Questions about Unit 5 or want to send support to their Bargaining Team? Contact Promise Busulwa, Lead Steward Unit 5, at cupe3903lsu5@gmail.com