Check out the following information about this upcoming conference on December 6th and 7th that CUPE 3903 is sponsoring, and make sure to register and fill out their contact form!
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the Past, Present, and Future of Green Jobs: Policies, Strategies, and Alternatives Conference.
This international, bilingual and hybrid conference will reunite dozens of researchers and practitioners addressing these different themes:
- The effect of economic and environmental policies on green jobs;
- The evolution of working conditions in a specific “green” sector;
- Transition plans affecting the fossil fuel and hard-to-abate industries;
- Different conceptions of just transitions;
- “Green” extractivism and the challenges of a just transition in the Global South;
- The business models prevailing in “green” sectors;
- The different union strategies vis-à-vis the ecological transition;
- Reimagining the nature of work in an environmental perspective.
Speakers include: Nora Räthzel, Dimitris Stevis, Thea Riofrancos, and Matt Huber
Dates: December 6th and 7th, 2024
Venue: Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau.
How to register: Eventbrite signup
Detailed contact information: Contact form
Once you register and fill the contact form, we will send you all the relevant information to participate whether in person or online (ex. program, accommodation options, Zoom links, guidelines to access translation).
Feel free to contact us with any questions at
Please share this invitation widely in your respective networks.
In solidarity,
The Organizing Committee (Vinnie, Jonathan, Évelyn, Christian)
This conference is co-organized with the Trade Unions and Labour-Environmentalism Study Network Network (TULE) and sponsored by the Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES), the Canadian Association for Work and Labour Studies and CUPE 3903.