CUPE 3903 is seeking nominations for the position of “Conversions and Career Advisor.”
The primary role of the Conversions and Career Advisor is to assist in career planning and professional development for CUPE 3903 “Affirmative Action” (or Conversion) pool members. The Career Advisor assists members in preparing conversion and Long Service Teaching Appointment (LSTA) applications, to prepare for tenure-stream searches at York University and other universities, and provides advice about other career opportunities.
The Career Advisor explains the conversion process to both conversion pool members and full-time faculty, helps those in the conversion pool to prepare strong files in teaching, research, and service, acts as a resource to department Chairs regarding the conversion process, and conducts workshops for Unit 2 members before the annual deadlines for applications for conversion and LSTA appointments.
The Conversion and Careers Advisor will normally be a tenured professor with a sympathetic approach and an excellent understanding of the hiring, conversion, and tenure process. The position will be for 1 year and will normally carry with it one course release.
The nomination period ends on Friday, February 21, 2025.
To submit a nomination or obtain more information, please contact Joseph Tohill, Vice President Unit 2, at
More information about the Conversions and Career Advisor’s role can also be found in the Unit 2 Collective Agreement, Letter of Intent #11 (pp. 98-99). See also Article 23 Affirmative Action and Article 24 Long-Service Teaching Appointments.