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Apply to the Teaching Development Fund by February 1st!

The deadline for the Teaching Development Fund is February 1, 2025. Since this date falls on a weekend, applications will be accepted until Monday, February 3, 2025. To apply, please follow the instructions provided in the TDF application form (Word version here). Application documents must be submitted using the MACH form linked within the application form. References should be emailed directly to

The Teaching Development Fund assists Unit 2 members in the development of a new program of study, new courses and teaching materials, or teaching skills. There are five minor teaching development grants of $3,000, as well as two major grants equivalent to one course directorship. Only contract faculty who have held at least one Type 1 or equivalent position in each of the two years prior to the start of this contract year will be eligible for the major grants. The TDF is adjudicated jointly by CUPE 3903 and the Teaching Commons.

This is a reminder for members that according to Revenue Canada, strike pay is not taxable income, so there is no T4 slip for strike...

Comité du Fonds des voies et des moyens Les principales responsabilités de ce comité sont d’examiner et de traiter les demandes pour attribuer des fonds...

L’objectif du Fonds des prestations de maladie complémentaires est de défrayer les membres des coûts liés aux soins de santé qui représenteraient autrement un fardeau...

Le Fonds des prestations de garde d’enfants dispose d’environ 270 000 $ par an. Il est censé défrayer les syndiqués des frais associés à la garde d’enfants....

Drivers who have a York parking permit and an Accessible Parking Permit from the city of Toronto may park in any accessible parking space, in...

Congratulations to our newly pro-temmed Co-Chair of the Trans Feminist Action Caucus (TFAC), Orçun Turan! Orçun was appointed to the position at TFAC’s February 11th,...

The CUPE 3903 2025 Executive Committee election nominations period will be open from February 24th – March 9th (5PM). All members, especially Black, First Nations...

Did you know that Unit 2 tutors now have the same workload protections as Unit 1? The purpose of workload protections is to ensure all...

It’s really important to keep track of your hours to avoid overwork and monitor whether your hours are matching your workload forms! Click this link...

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