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Strike Debrief Session

As part of our preparations for the next round of bargaining, we're inviting all members to a debriefing session about the recent strike. Join us on 09 May at 11AM-1PM to discuss strike planning, events during the strike, member participation during the strike, and any other feedback you have. This will be a structured Q&A-style […]

Executive Transition Meeting

The Executive Committee is holding a transition meeting with the outgoing and incoming members of the executive. All members are welcome to attend. Only executive committee members can vote. This meeting will be hybrid, with the in-person space being the board room of the CUPE 3903 office (Atkinson 143). July 4th, 10AM-12PM:

Rank-and-File Debrief

An event organized by our rank-and-file members: On June 6, rank-and-file members from units 1, 2, and 3 met to discuss the successes and failures of the 2024 strike, and to begin organizing for the next round of bargaining. While this proved a productive space for us to work through questions facing our union, one […]

Executive Committee Meeting

The Executive Committee is holding a meeting. All members are welcome to attend. Only executive committee members can vote. This meeting will be hybrid, with the in-person space being the board room of the CUPE 3903 office (Atkinson 143). July 11th, 1PM-4PM: Please contact for any accessibility requests.

Pickup Basketball

Join us on 12 July, from 13:00 to 15:00, for a game of pickup basketball on the court outside Founders College. This is just for fun, without set teams or game structure, so feel free to come and go as you please. Light refreshments will be available. 🏀

3903 Virtual Social!

Note: This week's virtual social was shortened to 2PM-3PM because of the executive meeting! Apologies for any inconvenience. Join us for our CUPE 3903 Virtual Social! This is a reoccurring unstructured social space for members to chat and make friends. If you’re interested in connecting casually with other members online outside of meetings, this is […]

July Stewards’ Council Meeting

Atkinson 143 96 The Pond Road, North York, ON, Canada

Our next Stewards’ Council meeting will be on Wednesday, July 31st, from 4PM – 6PM. All members welcome! Stewards’ Council is a space to discuss and organize with fellow members to address issues in our workplace. This meeting is hybrid! The in-person space for this will be the CUPE 3903 Office in 143 Atkinson; please fill out this form if […]

3903 Frisbee!

Field next to Passy Crescent Passy Crescent, North York, ON, Canada

Join us for a fun time playing frisbee next week, August 2nd from 1-3PM in the field next to Passy Crescent! No frisbee experience necessary. 😉🥏 This is a great chance to meet other CUPE 3903 members and enjoy summer! ☀️ For any questions, contact: Matt Lomas, Recording Secretary, or Keefer Wong, Vice-President Unit 3,

Executive Committee Meeting

Atkinson 143 96 The Pond Road, North York, ON, Canada

The Executive Committee is holding a meeting. All members are welcome to attend. Only executive committee members can vote. This meeting will be hybrid, with the in-person space being the board room of the CUPE 3903 office (Atkinson 143). August 6th, 1PM-4PM: Please contact Zoë Newman, Chairperson, at for any accessibility requests.

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