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Notice: Nominations to Re-open for Trustee Position!

Notice: Nominations to Re-open for Trustee Position!


Nominations are now open for the role of Trustee. Generally, one trustee is elected each year, and sits for a three-year term (So that the committee has a total of three members each year, two of which have prior audit experience). This position is to finish a previously held Trustee term, which is set to end in April 2024.  Honorarium: $1000 per member per year.


The trustees review and audit the union’s accounts to ensure compliance with all legal requirements and to ensure transparent and legitimate usage of all union funds. Though this is a short term placement, we need a member who is available immediately to help audit. We have not been able to receive cost-share funding from CUPE national because of a backlog in audit reports.  It is crucial we find an available and committed member to help ready the reports! 


Interested members should email Ali Gholami, VP Unit 1, to nominate themselves or for more information. The deadline for nominations is 5 pm, Tuesday October 24th


If there are more nominees than positions, an election will be held at the November GMM. Otherwise, nominees will be acclaimed to their position.


If it is a contested election, nominees will be notified of their candidacy and are then welcome to send a short written candidate statement (max 150 words) for inclusion in the GMM package. There will also be time at the GMM for nominees to briefly speak about their candidacies if they wish.


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