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Navigating York

This page has been set up to help you navigate York’s employee systems and payroll. More information will be included here over time!

All Units

How to Find Job Postings.

Signing Up for an Employee Passport York.

  • In order to access HR Self Serve York’s online portal for viewing paystubs. You must have an Employee Passport York. If you are a Unit 1 or 3 member your default Passport York account is usually a student account. You must set up a separate Employee Passport York.

Finding Your YorkU Employee Number.

Navigating HR Self Serve (employer-created document)

Workplace Accommodations.

Parental Leaves.

Other Types of Leaves of Absence.

Units 1 and 3

Procedure for making an Ontario Human Rights Code-based Extension request.

Unit 2

Instructions for submitting CSSP Blanket Applications, due November 1st of each year.

Table of Contents

After the initial nomination period of closed on March 9, there remain five (5) vacancies on the bargaining team: Unit 2 (1 vacancy)Unit 3 (3 vacancies)Bargaining...

Our Collective Agreement with York University expires on August 31, 2023. This means that we are about to begin bargaining. With Bill 124 having been...

Nominations closed on May 23 at 12:00 p.m. for vacancies on the Units 1, 2, and 3 Bargaining Team. Congratulations to the following acclaimed candidate: Jeremiah...

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