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Instructions for Applying – CSSP Blanket Applications

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The Continuing Sessional Standing Program (CSSP) is a job stability program for mid-seniority Unit 2 members. If you are on the CSSP list (found at the bottom of this page), you are eligible.

All eligible members should submit a CSSP blanket application. You can find the steps to do so below.

Why Apply to the CSSP

The CSSP includes a payout for members meeting certain conditions, the CSSP Guarantee (Article 12.01, Unit 2 CA).

Members within the CSSP who, over the previous five years, have had a minimum average annual workload of two Type 1 or equivalent positions and are offered 2/3 or less of their average workload (averaged over the previous five years) are eligible for the payout.  Upon application, members will receive a one-time payment of 1/4 of the rate for each position less than their average.

To qualify for the payment described in the above a member must have:

  • provided notice of participation in the Continuing Sessional Standing exercise to all applicable hiring units (i.e., all hiring units whose curriculum includes courses for which, if offered as Unit 2 bargaining unit work, she would be the most senior incumbent candidate);
  • applied for bargaining unit positions in accordance with their “normal” historical application profile; and
  • be available for appointment to these positions.

Therefore, because of the conditions of the CSSP Guarantee (“payout”) members should:

  • Apply to all departments that you believe offer courses for which you are qualified, regardless of whether the courses are usually posted to CUPE 3903.
  • Apply to the same departments that you usually do, even if you do not expect to be offered work in that department.

Members are also encouraged to speak to the Lead Steward Unit 2 or Raj Virk, Staff Representative before turning down any work offered (due to the “available for appointment” clause).

Please also keep a record of the departments to which you have applied. You should receive a paper receipt signed by a departmental representative, or a confirmation email(s) acknowledging receipt of your application, depending on which application method you use.

How to Apply to the CSSP

There are two ways to submit your CSSP blanket application (due November 1st).

  1. You can submit your CSSP blanket application directly to the department. You can submit a paper copy of the blanket application and many departments now accept applications submitted by email. If submitting by email you would fill in the paper application, scan it and email it. The blanket application can be found on our Useful Forms page under “Job Applications.”
  2. You can submit the CSSP blanket application online at York’s CUPE Jobs site.

Using the Online Application

CUPE Jobs allows you to access postings, Notices of Recommended Appointments (NRAs), CSSP Appointments, and blanket applications all in one place. Postings for the following year are not yet available by the CSSP blanket deadline (Nov. 1st).

  • The page is organized by Faculty. Click on a Faculty name to expand the view. Information is organized by tabs: Postings, Blanket/CSSPs, NRAs, and CSSP Appointments. To submit a blanket application for the CSSP program click “Blanket/CSSPs”.
  • Once you click “Blanket/CSSPs” you will see a list of departments (hiring units) for the Faculty. Each department has a selection box next to their name that you may click.  Click the box next to a department to apply to it. You may apply to multiple departments and faculties at once. Just continue to click on Faculties and the departments within them until you have chosen all relevant departments.
    • As you click on departments, the department name is added to a “selected” list. On the regular webpage this list appears on the top right of the webpage under the social media icons (icons for Facebook, twitter, and such). On mobile devices the location may vary.
    • You should see a “[#] items selected” with the list of your selected departments underneath and a larger button saying “Review & submit application”.  For example if you selected POLS and SOCI you would see a section appear labelled “2 items selected” with POLS and SOCI listed underneath, followed by a large button labelled “Review & submit application”.
  • Once you have selected all relevant departments click on “Review & submit application”. At this stage you will see a summary of the departments you have chosen and under “Course” and “Course Title” it should say “blanket application”.
  • You will then click “Submit Application” – this does not actually submit your application! It will take you to a Passport York log-in screen for the next step.

Once you are logged in with your Passport York credentials, the online module will show the basic personal information that York has on file for you, as well as your seniority count. Once you submit your application, the module will automatically upload your York work history from ARMS (Academic Resources Management System), although you will not be able to see it.

Your work history is available through HR SelfServe.

Steps to the Online Application

Step 1 is personal information York has on file. You should be able to correct and update information if necessary.

Step 2 will allow you to request courses/positions, and confirm your CSSP eligibility and desire to participate. If you are on the list of CSSP eligible members kept by York you will see “ARMS data shows that you are eligible for CSSP”. Even if eligible you must check the box below to participate in the CSSP (“check if you would like to participate in the CSSP”).

  • Note: The online application may state that “a blanket application, to be considered, must be submitted between November 15 and January 31”. This is incorrect for CSSP Blanket applications. CSSP Blankets must be submitted by November 1st.

Step 3 allows you to view your assignments in the previous year. A full work history is not yet available for viewing.

Steps 4 and 5 are where you can give additional information to supplement your CV.

Step 6 gives you the opportunity to upload your CV, and your own record of your work history, if you happen to have been keeping one. You should submit a current CV whenever possible.

Before you submit your application, please double-check to make sure that you have uploaded your CV.

At the end of the online application (under Step 6) you will be able to review your application before submission and fill in the Employment Equity Self-Identification Survey. We highly encourage members to fill in the employment equity survey.

You can then submit your application by clicking the button labelled “Submit Application”.

After submitting your application, you should shortly receive an email confirming that you have applied. Please keep these confirmation emails in a folder when you can find them, in the rare case that a department or hiring unit claims not to have received your CSSP blanket application.

You can also see instructions provided by the employer here.

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