Are you concerned about top-down restructuring at York University?
Consider joining the Alternative Restructuring Research Team (ARRT)! At the biweekly ARRT meetings, CUPE 3903 members and York union allies critically examine the financial claims and decision-making driving the severe cost-cutting, ballooning class-sizes, and administrative bloat at York.
What is the ARRT?
The goal of ARRT is to educate ourselves about restructuring at York and produce research to support campaigns for a better York. Each meeting has a theme and recommended readings to dive deeper into the subject, with members often presenting on their own knowledge of restructuring. The discussion topics are generally relevant to York’s governance, financial mismanagement, and our shifting educational landscape.
How do I join?
To join the research team, contact Neil Braganza, Lead Steward Unit 2, at
All are welcome! No prior knowledge necessary.