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CRC (Remobilization Committee): Rank-and-File Working Group

December 18 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

A message from our rank-and-file members:

TOPIC: Anti-Landlord Action Committee
Dealing with the rats, and cockroaches on York Campus and Residence.
Come to help people not live with bugs crawling all over them and work next to feces.

In 2024, at the CUPE 3903 Annual General Meeting (AGM), members voted to establish the Remobilization Working Group—now the CUPE Remobilization Committee (CRC).

The CRC is dedicated to re-engaging and mobilizing union members in this post-COVID, post-strike era. Grounded in anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, and anti-racist values, the CRC’s mission includes:

  • Remobilizing CUPE 3903, and bringing members back into union spaces.
  • Building Solidarity: Strengthening connections among union members.
  • Coalition Building: Collaborating with like-minded organizations across York University.
  • Taking Action: Organizing campaigns, flyering, tabling, postering, and more.

Led by rank-and-file members, the CRC creates spaces for open discussion and critical analysis of the issues that matter to our union.

When & Where?
📅Every Wednesday (except during actions, GMMs, or Stewards’ Council meetings).
💻Virtual Access: Join us on Jitsi:

Stay Connected!

·        / Please add us to your calendar so you can find the next meeting:


Whether you want to engage in meaningful discussions, help with outreach strategies, or simply stay informed about what’s happening in the CRC, we’d love to have you with us. Let’s build solidarity and shape the future of our union together!


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