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Bargaining 2023

Welcome to

Collective Bargaining 2023

Here you will find information regarding the 2023 bargaining round for CUPE 3903 Units 1, 2, and 3. 

The Collective Agreements for Units 1, 2 and 3 will expire on August 31, 2023. We are currently preparing to bargain with our Employer, York University. Watch this page for information as more becomes available.

NEXT STEPS: Currently we are at Steps 4 & 6 – Please attend general membership meetings to approve proposals. All members are also welcome to attend and observe bargaining.

Learn about our

Bargaining Process

Bargaining Proposals

Proposals have been presented by the union or employer during the 2023 bargaining round.

Your 2023

Bargaining Team

Here is the 2023 Bargaining Team for Units 1, 2 and 3. Thank you to every who nominated themselves for the role!

The Bargaining Team (BT) is composed of three members from each unit, as well as a recording secretary and the Grievance Officer (both non-voting positions). The BT then creates and disseminates bargaining surveys, in which members of each unit establish the most important issues they face. From this data, the Bargaining Team formulates concrete bargaining proposals. The Bargaining Team prepares a Proposals Package, and members discuss, edit, and vote on proposals at General Membership Meetings (GMM). In these GMMs, members can bring forward additional proposals, which are also discussed and voted on. CUPE 3903 operates under the model of open bargaining, which means that members are encouraged to attend bargaining meetings where they can observe, pass notes to the Bargaining Team, and participate in Bargaining Team caucuses.

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

We currently still have openings for (1) vacancy on the bargaining team.

Recording Secretary


Reports/Latest news

Proposal Exchange Continues, Union Presses Employer on GAT Fund Bargaining Team Report for the Week of Oct 16, 2023 Following our regular weekly prep meeting...

Defending Member Rights and Finalizing Our Proposals Package Bargaining Team Report for the Week of Oct 10–13 The Bargaining Team was busy this week, finalizing...

BT holds Employer to account as third month of Collective Bargaining comes to a close  Bargaining Report Back: Week of September 25 The Bargaining Team...

BT pushes back on Employer withholding the Professional Development Fund and a significant portion of the Ways & Means Fund and continues other negotiations, approves...

Bargaining Team Report Back: Week of Sept. 11, 2023 This week, the bargaining team got feedback and discussed strategy with the larger 3903 membership and...

We have started a new school year, and we are happy to be back in the classrooms and labs with our students! As such, this...

Bargaining Team Report Back  Week of August 28, 2023 There were two bargaining meetings scheduled with the employer this week on August 29 and August...

Bargaining Team Report Back Week of August 21, 2023 In preparation for two meetings with the Employer in the final week of August, the BT...

Bargaining Team Report Back Week of August 7, 2023 With no bargaining meetings scheduled with the employer this week, the Bargaining Team met twice, on...

On second full day of bargaining, Employer continues to prioritize extending their reach On August 1, the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team joined the Employer at...

Proposals change hands and priorities emerge during the first full day of bargaining On July 27, the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team joined the Employer at...

BT prepares for meetings with the Employer next week, approves set of Equity and Union Rights proposals at GMM The Bargaining Team (BT) has been...

Bargaining Team Report Back Week of July 3 and 10, 2023 Bargaining Special General Membership Meeting (SGMM): July 6, 2023 The 3rd Bargaining Special General...

First Meeting with Employer: Discussion of Bargaining Parameters and Logistics On June 29, 2023, the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team for Units 1, 2, and 3...

It’s official: Bargaining is underway As you may know, the 3903  bargaining team served the employer with notice to bargain June 1, which was the...

Bargaining team report back Week of June 4-9 For the week of June 4 through to June 9th, CUPE 3903 is still waiting for response...

On May 31 the CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team and staff met. The meeting was spent reviewing the Notice to Bargain, as well as the numerous...

Our Bargaining Team is Growing! On Monday, May 29, the Bargaining Team and some staff members met. We welcomed aboard a new member representing Unit...

May 8th Report On Monday, May 8, the CUPE 3903 Bargaining team and some staff members met. The meeting was still largely informal, and no...

On Monday, May 1, the CUPE 3903 Bargaining team met. The meeting was still largely informal, and no decisions regarding bargaining were taken. The bargaining...

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