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Bourinot’s Rules of Order & GMM FAQ!

Have you ever been kind of puzzled by Bourinot’s Rules of Order and General Membership Meetings? Check out this new PDF that will help answer frequently asked questions about the procedural aspects of meetings! Keep this resource handy so that you can feel empowered to use your voice in all the CUPE 3903 meetings you attend.

If you ever have a question about how the Rules of Order work or about the General Membership Meeting format, never hesitate to contact an executive. We’re here to help!

The information in this FAQ is based on a historical CUPE 3903 resource, updated for the 2024 context! Thank you to all the comrades who have put in the work to make our meetings more accessible and approachable.

Table of Contents

Amendments to several bylaws were voted on at the September 19th, 2024 General Membership Meeting. Thanks to all members for coming out to discuss and...

Committee by-elections took place during the September 19th, 2024 General Membership Meeting. Here are the results of the election. Postings Officer (1 vacancy) VOTER SUMMARY...

The Executive Committee has made available $15,000 in the form of a one-time supplementary hardship fund to help alleviate hardship experienced by members during the...

Grievances are a big part of why it’s important to be a dues-paying member of a labour union like CUPE 3903! Being able to be...

As the current Vice President of Unit 3 has stepped down as of September 1st, there is currently a vacancy in the VP 3 position. ...

Everyone who worked at York at any time between the Fall of 2020 and the Summer of 2023 (inclusive) is owed wage increases that we...

Nominations are now open for vacant positions on multiple committees. If you want to nominate yourself to sit on a committee, nominations are now open...

The Executive Committee of CUPE 3903 stands in support of CUPE 2361’s struggle for fair wages and better working conditions. CUPE 2361 members have been...

Members who are recipients of a provostial or dissertation scholarship are still eligible for the Union’s EHB Fund! If you are a member holding one...

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