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Canadian Union of Public Employees/Syndiat Canadien de la fonction publique local/section locale 3903

Bargaining Team Update – November 23rd Bargaining Team Meeting

The CUPE 3903 Bargaining Team met on Monday, November 23rd. Thanks to the rank-and-file members and members of the Executive Committee who joined our meeting.

At the last meeting with the Employer, held on Monday November 16th, the Employer presented the Bargaining Team with unit-specific proposals to “roll over” the existing Collective Agreements for 3 years (until August 31, 2023) with minor changes. Members can see the Employer’s framework of proposals here.

The Bargaining Team members evaluated the extension frameworks for each unit, and continued discussing strategy, prepared for the upcoming Unit 2 Town Hall and the bargaining meeting with the Employer on November 25th.

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